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happy customers with reviews to prove
The best sleeping bags for your child. Best baby sleeping bags. Safe baby sleeping bags. Safest baby sleeping bags

" Just want to thank you for my order.
Wow I must say beautiful quality material. My baby used to kick blankets but after buying your sleeping bag he slept like an angel.
I will be buying more of your products, it's definitely worth it. "
Khosi K, reviewing the Jersey Sleeping Bag in Acorn
" Thank you so much! Received my parcel today, the delivery was exceptionally quick! I love the swaddle and the quality. Cannot wait to start using it."

C Botha, reviewing the Cocoon Swaddle Bag

"Beautiful and soft sleep suit bag. My daughter adores this product, many fights in the mornings to get her out of the sleep suit and into her school wear. Will definitely buy other colours!"
C Ploos van Amstel, reviewing the Sleep Suit Bag
Swaddling your little one snug and safe can help them settle and sleep for long er. Generous fit with bell-shaped design to allow Our revolutionary award-winning baby sleep bag, the Grobag, is designed to keep your baby sleeping soundly which means more shut-eye for mum and dadfree movement.